Friday, August 29, 2008


My family is originally from Zacatecas, Mexico and I have only been there twice. The last time I went was when I was in 7th grade... I am now 21, you do the math. Some of my family members go every summer or winter vacation. I haven't been able to go because of school /cries.

So I have decided to dedicate this project in honor to Zacatecas, "aye aye aye aye" (worst Mexican cheer attempt ever lol).

My main location will be Zacatecas, followed by popular cities known for their festivities: Fresnillo, Moyahua and Juchipila.

Fresnillo: Known for the year round celebration for the "Child Saint of Atocha." It attracts not only tourists, but consistently brings back those born in Zacatecas for the celebrartion.
Moyahua: Every 5th of July, people worship Saint Santiago with a unique festival. Men dress up as "Tastuanes." This masked character dances around acting drunk for entertainment.
Juchipila: A month long celebration known as the "January Festivals." They begin on Dec.12 (Virgin the Guadalupe's birthday) and conclude at the end of January.

I will think of adjectives later...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why Graphic Design?

It wasn't until the college application process that I found out what graphic design was. Where I was raised these kinds of things aren't very well known. I considered myself computer savvy, but I only used very amature softwares. I know it may sound very lame of me but I didn't hear about Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign until I came to CSUN /shame!

Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to be an artist. Although I thought of the career as something I wanted to do, I didn't think it was a serious job, so I dismissed it. I thought of architecture next. It seemed something professional and respectable, but I just couldn't picture myself in such a strict setting. I need to be able to enjoy myself. Later in high school I was always praised on creative projects. That's when I finally decided, fine! I'll give in. I'll do something I enjoy than something corporate LOL.

I'm trying really hard to word as to why I am inspired to be a graphic designer, but like I stated in the About Me blog, I'm not very good at verbally getting my ideas through. So I will probably come back and edit this /sigh.

Monday, August 25, 2008

About Me

Well.. first of all, I am not a blog person... but there is no getting around it (hehe).

Now for the good stuff:
About me?

First of, my name is Jahaira Duarte... or Jay/Jai for short.

Although I currently have an apartment literally crossing the street from the Art Department, I am not familiar with anything from this Valley.
I was born and raised in the Coachella Valley, aka as the desert. Now knowing that I am from the desert, please do not complain to me about the heat, because believe me, I have been through worse. However, when winter comes, I will be complaining about the cold hehe. FUN FACT: I graduated from a high school where our mascot was an Arab... yes! an Arab /sigh.

I am fun loving, outgoing, and enthusiastic. I have a witty sense of humor... that usually consists of me making fun of people for my amusement. I can be rather mean at times with my sarcasm (so I apologize if I offend anybody... well, not really). But overall I act like a kid... bugging my friends with my obnoxious behavior... but they still love me, for I am to cute! hehe

I tend to talk and talk a lot. People say I over analyze things, but the truth is I don't think I do, I just have a horrible way of expressing myself verbally... making it seem like I'm trying too hard; however, everything makes sense (I know it makes sense!). errr Here I go again... I shall stop while I am still sane. LOL. If I make a weird comment, its because my word choice is set to thing to my understanding.

I am sure there is more to me, but I am lazy... so until then... BYE BYE