About Me
Well.. first of all, I am not a blog person... but there is no getting around it (hehe).
Now for the good stuff:
About me?
First of, my name is Jahaira Duarte... or Jay/Jai for short.
Although I currently have an apartment literally crossing the street from the Art Department, I am not familiar with anything from this Valley. I was born and raised in the Coachella Valley, aka as the desert. Now knowing that I am from the desert, please do not complain to me about the heat, because believe me, I have been through worse. However, when winter comes, I will be complaining about the cold hehe. FUN FACT: I graduated from a high school where our mascot was an Arab... yes! an Arab /sigh.
I am fun loving, outgoing, and enthusiastic. I have a witty sense of humor... that usually consists of me making fun of people for my amusement. I can be rather mean at times with my sarcasm (so I apologize if I offend anybody... well, not really). But overall I act like a kid... bugging my friends with my obnoxious behavior... but they still love me, for I am to cute! hehe
I tend to talk and talk a lot. People say I over analyze things, but the truth is I don't think I do, I just have a horrible way of expressing myself verbally... making it seem like I'm trying too hard; however, everything makes sense (I know it makes sense!). errr Here I go again... I shall stop while I am still sane. LOL. If I make a weird comment, its because my word choice is set to thing to my understanding.
I am sure there is more to me, but I am lazy... so until then... BYE BYE
nice page. was this a template???
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