Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ad Sketches

#ONE: The main image is a photo, while the instruments are drawn on. The idea is random people walking by having outlines drawn on top of them. This is to show that its really simple to learn instruments through RAC media's software.

#TWO: Once again, I wanted to show how "easy" it is to learn instruments from this program. The software is so easy to learn that its light uploading the skill into your brain.

#THREE: The same idea and #2, but not as successful. I wanted to show the individual studying the program, but she just looks blank. It seems like she is having a difficult time understanding or she is just slow.

#FOUR: I love this one. Its really funny. The idea is for a person to be completely bored with nothing to do, then they should take up a new activity such as learn to use an instrument by using RAC media's software.

I like #1 & #4

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Software Comps

These are only comps. Most of my time consisted of trying to find images /sigh.
On the last one (purple) I'm planning to make my own stamp/tile.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Software Sketches

Original Design/Research

I wanted a set of programs that taught musical instruments, such as guitar, drums and piano or bass. I tried to look for softwares that had sister programs, but most of them were only for the guitar. I found this set of individual software on Amazon. I'm not sure how good it is, since I can't find reviews. The company is called Arc Media Inc. I swear, I was not trying to find that horrible of a design to re-do...

Also, for some strange reason, only the guitar is DELUXE edition. Should I take it out, add deluxe to all, or leave it as is?
