Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ad Sketches

#ONE: The main image is a photo, while the instruments are drawn on. The idea is random people walking by having outlines drawn on top of them. This is to show that its really simple to learn instruments through RAC media's software.

#TWO: Once again, I wanted to show how "easy" it is to learn instruments from this program. The software is so easy to learn that its light uploading the skill into your brain.

#THREE: The same idea and #2, but not as successful. I wanted to show the individual studying the program, but she just looks blank. It seems like she is having a difficult time understanding or she is just slow.

#FOUR: I love this one. Its really funny. The idea is for a person to be completely bored with nothing to do, then they should take up a new activity such as learn to use an instrument by using RAC media's software.

I like #1 & #4


  1. Paul Masatani said...

    I think #1 has the most potential, interesting concept, easy as taking a walk. I think it'll look cool with the drawn in instruments. Maybe it could be an ad where it has a flap, on the outside you see the ordinary photo and when you flip it open you see the people with the drawn in instruments. Might be cool, also has viewer interactivity.


  2. faith said...

    to me numbers 1 and 3 are the best. especially number 1 because you can place yourself there.

  3. Anonymous said...


    some of the better concepts i have seen today, mainly because you are thinking about the idea first.

    thank being said we have to think about the target and the application itself....
    #1 is an odd juxtaposition that may work. perhaps instead of them holding the instruments, perhaps they are thinking about the music. not sure if "its that easy" is the appropriate tagline, but i do think this idea has the most potential

    #4 - if you think about the software its for people that are too timid or shy to take real lessons, cant commit to a teacher, or are just plain bored. This is a valid idea as well, problem is it could be for anything. how can we connect music back to this ad?

    very good overall

  4. ashton yang said...

    The first one looks best. It has a very stylistic look that could make the whole design interesting. I'm not sure about other ones with "loading" stuff because it's not a website. Stick with the first one if you can, it is interesting!