I like the bottom left one. It's on a good direction. I would play around with the images a little bit more. I think cropping the same guitar is kind of repetitive. Maybe consider using different images of different guitars? Maybe different colors? I like the type treatment. I like the white space as the negative space. It's helping to balance your design.Good Job!
I like the bottom left one. Great use of the grid and colors. Theres so much brown that it almost feels a bit country.. maybe contemporary country? lol
The top right one stands out the most for me except for the vertical "easy" type.
I do like the purple stamp idea just because it's different, the comps next to it using a grid look like the covers instructional guitar books, that's the feeling I get from them.
i like the one with the purple stamps the best. they all look really good and professional, but the one with the stamps stands out and grabs attention, as well as shows us what the product is
i like the one with the purple stamps the best. they all look really good and professional, but the one with the stamps stands out and grabs attention, as well as shows us what the product is
I like the first one from the top row. The typeface and diagonal composition make it look elegant and graceful. One thing that you can do is add a few colors to the guitar to make it the focal point of your design.
I like the first one on the top row and the second one on the bottom row. I like the first one the best because it just looks completed. The first one is good , and I can see your going into a good direction but I dont know if its missing something our or what.
The second one on the bottom has a clean and simple feel to it and works best at the moment. The Mondrian effect works well with what you are doing.
Not sure if the word "easy" reads well in that direction, try making it horizontal and bringing it in together with the rest of the type. Great use of cropped images but instead of being redundant with the guitar image try adding other images such as music notes or a guitar pick. The boxed images on the left almost seems crowding. Try bringing it down and matching it to the level of the rest of the images and then scoot the title to the middle and enlarging it. =)
bottom three are def working more than top two. the colors seem so dark. perhaps monotone or making some of the boxes in the grid less dark.
last one on right has potential as well but my eye is drawn to the empty box more than anything else. perhaps here the squares lose some of their value so they do not compete with the foreground (guitar)
two separate tones, moods.... let me think about this more
I like the bottom left one. It's on a good direction. I would play around with the images a little bit more. I think cropping the same guitar is kind of repetitive. Maybe consider using different images of different guitars? Maybe different colors? I like the type treatment. I like the white space as the negative space. It's helping to balance your design.Good Job!
I like the bottom left one. Great use of the grid and colors. Theres so much brown that it almost feels a bit country.. maybe contemporary country? lol
The top right one stands out the most for me except for the vertical "easy" type.
I do like the purple stamp idea just because it's different, the comps next to it using a grid look like the covers instructional guitar books, that's the feeling I get from them.
I like the close up of the guitar parts with the san serif type the best. I like how it looks and how it uses the guitar in an interesting manner.
i like the one with the purple stamps the best. they all look really good and professional, but the one with the stamps stands out and grabs attention, as well as shows us what the product is
i like the one with the purple stamps the best. they all look really good and professional, but the one with the stamps stands out and grabs attention, as well as shows us what the product is
I like the first one from the top row. The typeface and diagonal composition make it look elegant and graceful. One thing that you can do is add a few colors to the guitar to make it the focal point of your design.
I like the first one on the top row and the second one on the bottom row. I like the first one the best because it just looks completed. The first one is good , and I can see your going into a good direction but I dont know if its missing something our or what.
The second one on the bottom has a clean and simple feel to it and works best at the moment. The Mondrian effect works well with what you are doing.
Not sure if the word "easy" reads well in that direction, try making it horizontal and bringing it in together with the rest of the type. Great use of cropped images but instead of being redundant with the guitar image try adding other images such as music notes or a guitar pick. The boxed images on the left almost seems crowding. Try bringing it down and matching it to the level of the rest of the images and then scoot the title to the middle and enlarging it. =)
Sarom R.
bottom three are def working more than top two.
the colors seem so dark. perhaps monotone or making some of the boxes in the grid less dark.
last one on right has potential as well but my eye is drawn to the empty box more than anything else. perhaps here the squares lose some of their value so they do not compete with the foreground (guitar)
two separate tones, moods.... let me think about this more
Wow the middle one looks amazing. I like the type and if you can make the whole design looks like "woody" that will be great. Nice work!
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