Software Sketches
Original Design/Research
I wanted a set of programs that taught musical instruments, such as guitar, drums and piano or bass. I tried to look for softwares that had sister programs, but most of them were only for the guitar. I found this set of individual software on Amazon. I'm not sure how good it is, since I can't find reviews. The company is called Arc Media Inc. I swear, I was not trying to find that horrible of a design to re-do...
Also, for some strange reason, only the guitar is DELUXE edition. Should I take it out, add deluxe to all, or leave it as is?

I think you should leave out the deluxe edition so that everything unified. It seems out of place with the other two instruments. The first thumbnail looks simpler and fresh, but will you be using a silhouette or an actual image of a person?
- Christine
I would leave out the deluxe if it's not going to be on the other programs.
My favorite idea is the bottom left, I like how it's just a silhouette of a guitar and how the type is integrated into it. You could easily carry this idea over to other instruments and I think it would look great.
The bottom right is fun too for the same reason that the type is interacting with the image.
I like the middle one on the top. The first one looks like some dvd for concert instead of an instrument learning program. The last one in fact make it looks like learning guitar is hard. I think it's better not to show human figures in this design.
i really like the bottom left one alot, i think its simple but not. the top left is nice too but it i feel like a sillouhette is a little common, but i'm sure you could still make it look amazing but i just think the bottom one looks original and clean. the other ones seem a little busy maybe.
I like the last one on the top row and the middle one in the second one. They have a very Piet Mondrian feel to it. It feels very balanced and clean. Although this is a music program, it doesn't need to be all crazy. Lots of times, the simple, cleanest ideas work best. very nice sketches. keep up the good work. :]
I like the ones with the little boxes. That I think would have images in them or something like that. I think you have very strong designs most of them are using the instrument in interesting ways.
The simple and clean approach of the first sketch work well. I can't tell by the sketch, but I'm assuming the person would be a silhouette with a colored guitar, which would look great. As far as whether or not to include "deluxe", I would just remove it because customers begin to wonder which version they need. If they can't figure it out, they will probably pass it up.
I think it's a great idea to work on these music softwares. You are the first one I've seen so far to choose these.
I like the middle one on the bottom. What are those squares are going to be? only color or images? I like how you have the type vertical. It has added a unique character to your design.
To answer your question, I would leave "DELUX" out since the other two don't have it.
First one on the second row works best. The idea of the guitar and the type has an interesting look. It's simple yet at the same time edgy.
Sarom R.
Your thumbnails are all very nice and well done. I think the best ones are the 1st, 2nd and 4th. The first one is attractive to younger people while the second one has more of a classic kind of feel to it which may be more appealing to older people. I don't think it matters too much if you have the deluxe in there or not.
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